Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Regeneration’ and Kesey’s Essay

      However, McMurphy was only able to defeat the nurse from what he learned when she defeated him in his bid to change the television schedule. ‘Cheswick shows his hand higher and glares around. Scanlon shakes his head, and then raises his hand, keeping his elbow on the arm of the chair. And nobody else. McMurphy can’t say a word. ‘ In this defeat, McMurphy learns that he must convince the patients of an idea before being faced with the nurse; otherwise, the patients become frightened of her and lose their nerve. Once again, McMurphy attempted to change the TV schedule, but failed again due to technicalities such as the vote of the chronic patients, and the fact that the meeting had ended before McMurphy was able to get the majority vote so the motion was not carried. This incident formed a bond between the patients against the hospital staff, and they had gained an important ally in Dr Spivey, an unwary double agent. However, In Regeneration the patients of Craiglockhart do not treat staff as if they were afraid of them. The doctors and nurses of Craiglockhart are less authoritative and are lenient with the rules of conduct. ‘One of the VAD’s tugged at it. â€Å"There’s room for two in there,† she said, smiling, coaxing. â€Å"Have I to get in with you? â€Å"‘. The patients treat doctors with respect and are friendly towards other patients, however at times the patients appear to fear treatment. ‘†There’s no area of analgesia,† Rivers said to Sister Rogers. Prior snatched up the pad. â€Å"IF THAT MEANS IT HURT YES IT DID†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ. On the other hand, in ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’ the patients treat nurse Ratched with minimal respect and some of the patients are very unprofessional in what they say and do to her and the other student nurses. It can be said that Craiglockhart is more civilised as a hospital, and nurse Ratched’s ward can be compared to a high school classroom where the patients are conspiring as to how they can defeat the nurse, similar to the way students may act together to outwit a teacher. Nurse Ratched constantly undermines her patients in front of one another to make them feel inadequate; almost emasculating them. ‘Right at your balls. No, that nurse aint some kinda monster chicken, buddy, what she is, is a ball-cutter. ‘ On the other hand, Rivers sees his patients as his equals and treats them with high regard, even though Rivers himself is more intelligent and qualified than almost all of the patients that he treats. Patients in Ratched’s ward also resent the ward itself and its confines, and wish they could escape the dreariness of it all. The irony of this is that most of the patients who complain are not committed and are only in the hospital voluntarily, so they could walk out of the door at a moment’s notice; however, the patients are unable to do this due to nurse Ratched making them feel inadequate and therefore unfit for society. When McMurphy discovers that it is the Nurse who decides how long a patient spends on the ward, he is beside himself with anger, directed mainly at the other acute patients for egging him along against the nurse, when all the while they knew that it would only get him committed for a longer period. Conversely, we are given the impression that all the patients at Craiglockhart are committed, however they all have the freedom to roam most of the institution and the outdoor facilities such as the golf course ‘Prior watched the amber lights winking in his beer. He was sitting in the shadowy corner of a pub in some sleazy district of Edinburgh. ‘ The patients are allowed to leave the hospital premises and are trusted to be responsible enough to return. In ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’, patients are not even allowed to leave the premises without an accompanied pass. This is needed in order for McMurphy to take a group of the patients and Dr Spivey, one of the resident doctors of the hospital, on a fishing trip later in the novel. The fishing trip was organised by McMurphy for a number of reasons that could only possibly be contrived by a person of sound mind. The first of these reasons is to deliver a blow to the nurse’s control over the patients and to show them that they are in fact free to do what they wish. His other incentives were money, which he acquired from the remainder of the funds from patients used hire the boat, and also the chance to spend some time alone with a woman who would be accompanying the men on the boat, something that we can presume McMurphy has not been able to do for a while now. During the fishing trip, we are able to see the effect of nurse Ratched’s enfeeblement of the patients when they enter the garage to buy fuel. The mechanics at the garage are taken aback by the sight of patients from a psychiatric institution, and the awkward exchanges between the doctor and the mechanics only make things worse. It is at this moment when McMurphy comes to the rescue of the patients and confronts the workers at the garage. ‘we’re every bloody one of us hot of the criminal-insane ward, on our way to San Quentin where they got better facilities to handle us. ‘ McMurphy lies and uses bravado to frighten the mechanics and empower the patients, who no longer feel as if they are the laughing stock of town and begin to order the workers around. This is an example of how mental illness is perceived in society at the time the book was set, and how the patients were able to overcome its stigma, if only for a short period. Their personal triumph was over once the patients had reached the fishing port and were confronted by sailors who took the opportunity to make suggestive jokes about the patients’ female companion, as they stood there helplessly, unable to defend her without the presence of McMurphy. In ‘Regeneration’, the reader encounters a similar stigma attached to mental illness. One particular case involves the character Prior, who is questioned about why he was not wearing his blue hospital badge. Prior retorts to Rivers’ question, stating that ‘I wasn’t wearing the badge because I was looking for a girl. Which – as you may or may not know – is not made easier by going around with a badge stuck on your chest saying I AM A LOONY. ‘ Prior assumes, perhaps from experience, that wearing his hospital badge would be a deterrent for women as nobody seems to jump at the opportunity to be involved with a mentally ill person. Another incident in involving the badge occurred with Sassoon when he went to the Conservative Club to meet Rivers. ‘looking at the young man in uniform evoked, and then – or perhaps he was being oversensitive? – with a slight ambivalence, a growing doubt, as they worked out what the blue badge on his tunic meant. ‘ Once again, the reader is presented with a situation in which people change their opinions when faced with an ‘outcast’ from society, someone who is irrational and is therefore supposed to be unacceptable to the general public. Near the end of ‘Regeneration’ Barker introduces another psychiatrist called Dr Lewis Yealland. He is similar to Rivers in that Yealland is also highly respected and acclaimed on his work; however, the underlying difference between the two characters is in the way they treat their patients. Where Rivers would tend towards having a conversation with the patient to solve the problem, Yealland prefers to cast a dominating presence to the patient, neglecting their views and suggestions. ‘†No†, Yealland said. â€Å"The time for more electrical treatment has not yet come; if it had I should give it to you. Suggestions are not wanted from you, they are not needed. â€Å"‘ Yealland does not allow patients to express themselves as he feels that any self-diagnosis by a patient is a threat to his judgement, and this is intolerable in his treatment. Yealland can be compared to nurse Ratched, in that both the characters require dominance in a situation and superiority over those under their jurisdiction. Another difference between Rivers and Yealland would be that Rivers, as mentioned before, endeavours to resolve the problem that the patient is suffering from, thus curing the patient of his illness, whereas Yealland merely addresses the symptom arising from the illness and treats the patient to rid them of this. He eradicates the symptom, while this is only the tip of the figurative iceberg, and neglects the patient’s psychological problem, which caused the symptom in the first place. In the novel, Yealland serves a larger purpose as a metaphor for the control that the government exerts over citizens, indifferent towards the voices of individuals, for example, the voice of Siegfried Sassoon, which was ignored and discredited by the government in the same way Yealland ignores and discredits his patients’ views. Yealland provides the reader with a clear, yet cleverly concealed allegorical view of the novel where the same concept is repeated for a greater effect on the reader’s opinion of both the presentation of mental illness and the way it is treated, and also the government’s approach to dealing with soldiers who cry out against the unjustness of war. Nearer the end of ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest’, McMurphy throws a party one night for his farewell as he plans to break out of the ward and make his escape that night. The party is not sanctioned by the nurse who has no idea of its taking place, so McMurphy knows that he must leave otherwise he will be punished severely for his actions. On the night of the party McMurphy organises for a girl to come onto the ward and make love to Billy Bibbit, making him lose his virginity. McMurphy’s plan of escape fails and the nurse returns in the morning to find the atrocities that have taken place on her ward. She confronts Billy Bibbit about his actions, and he seems confident, however once the nurse threatens to informs Billy’s mother of his wrong doing Billy breaks down and pleads with her not to do so. ‘†Nuh! Nuh! † His mouth was working. He shook his head, begging her. â€Å"You d-don’t n-n-need! â€Å"‘ Billy is so disturbed by the prospect of his mother finding out about his actions, that he takes his own life shortly after the nurse confirms that she will inform his mother. After this event, the ward changes dramatically. Patients who were not committed begin to leave; Sefelt, Frederickson, even Harding. McMurphy was taken away for a lobotomy, which succeeded in calming him down, but it did so to the point where he would not fit the description of a mentally ill patient, but more of a breathing corpse. The Chief cannot stand to look at this change in McMurphy so he resorts to suffocating him in order to put out his suffering once and for all. On doing so, the Chief escapes the ward by picking up the control panel in the tub room and throwing it through the window. This mirrors the event where McMurphy attempted to lift the control panel, the difference being that the Chief succeeded where McMurphy failed by learning from him. This event is a representation of the book as a whole, where one man’s titanic struggle and failure managed to stimulate another man’s will to live, and as one circle of life draws to a close, a new one begins. Emile Khan – 1 – Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Ken Kesey section.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Problem and Solution of Plastics

The problem and solution of plastic Recently, plastic has become one of the most serious pollution problems in the world. According to a piece of news, it shows that every year worldwide plastic trash has been estimated at 260 million tons, and around ten percent ends up in the ocean. Many clean any more. As a result, in order to get back our beautiful ocean, people must recycle plastic and transform it into other energies. The tourism has become a great share that contributes to a country’s economy. Such as Maldives, every year, many people go to Maldives to take a holiday.It used to be a beautiful beach there, but now, a lot of plastic trash is thrown on it. Maybe at this moment, the economy there is not so good anymore; furthermore, the clean ocean and the good air condition are disappearing. The same situation also happens to some cities that are famous for mountains, for instance Taian, Huangshan. Their tourism is a large support to their economy. A piece of news has repo rted that in Huangshan, the cleaners have to climb to the mountain to pick up the plastic bags, bottles and other trash.Therefore, people must recycle plastic; it is not only good for our environment, but also beneficial to save the energies. The best action to address this problem is to recycle plastic and transform it into other energies. The first way is burning plastic in a special incinerator. The heat can be used for industrial power generation, according to a survey; it shows that recycling 1 ton of plastic saves the equivalent of 5,774 kilowatt-hours of electric energy. In addition, many companies that using plastic to generate power have established in recent years. Another way to address this problem is Hydride decomposition.This method could transform sixty to eighty percent of the composition of plastic to crude oil. Crude oil is one of the most essential fuels in the world, about eighty-eight percent of the crude oil is used to be fuel, and so recycling plastic can make a contribution to saving the crude oil. In order to realize this transformation, the government should spend more money on developing technology. Maybe it will cost much money, but once a country has an incinerator or a Hydride decomposition machine, they can be used for many years; much plastic can be transformed and a lot of energies can be saved.Thus, recycling plastic and transforming it into other energies is the best action to address this big pollution problem. Everyone in the world should not throw plastic anywhere; people should care more about the environment not always about themselves. Because a good environment is the insurance of people’s health, a clean ocean will get back to people’s life soon. The marine animals will live happy lives with their best friends-human being.

Comparing and contrasting “The Matrix” and Plato’s “The Allegory Of The Cave” Essay

Comparing and contrasting the synopsis â€Å"The Matrix† to Plato’s â€Å"The Allegory Of The Cave† and also Descartes â€Å"Meditation I Of The Things Of Which We May Doubt† which have several similarities and also some differences. In all three of these stories the main idea is that reality is in question. In the Matrix, the human being is in a pod like machine that is controlled by a computer simulating what we think and know to be reality. Reality is not only created but manipulated to deceive what is truly surrounding you, when you are clearly in a pod unaware of what reality really is. In Plato’s â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave† this also focuses on two different realities based on what is in fact real and what is perceived. Plato’s view on the prisoners being fooled into a false reality by placing fake objects around them to trick their perception of reality and also put them in a one track state of mind, while life goes on outsi de of where they are captive. This is similar to The Matrix because in both stories the people are being manipulated to believe a reality outside of what is truly happening at the present time. In both stories, the person that has been captive for a certain period of time but then is able to experience reality outside of just manipulated perception has doubts, they are in disbelief of what they are actually able to witness for the first time. Reality, not perception but what is truly real happening and not being simulated or manipulated so that you would be fooled into believing something that is not real. In the Matrix, Neo lived a pretty normal life as an everyday human being but could not sleep well and like Plato stated that the prisoner would have to sense something, get some kind of feeling that something just was not quite right about his surroundings and the way they were existing. Another similarity is that the prisoners and pods were being manipulated to believe a false reality by people above them. They were prisoners in caves and pods. I think of course  a difference is of course time periods. Although these stories have similar ideas, the Matrix was an updated version of ideas of two difference realities. A similarity between the Matrix and Descartes is whether or not we are dreaming or if it is in fact reality and how do we know? Neo is questioned about his dreams and being able to wake from the dream and tell if he was indeed awake or still dreaming and that it was Descartes really focuses on in Meditation. Once the prisoner is set free, reality for him is shocking because now what you have been exposed to for so long was a lie. Although this false reality was a lie it was not only what was perceived as real to them but familiar. Finding out something like this can be freeing and yet disappointing and scary like it was for Cypher. Once he discovered that they were lifeless humans being manipulated in pods by computers he was terrified and wanted to erase what he found to be reality. Cypher wanted to go back to how things were before he discovered what really happening to him because he could not and did not want to deal with reality. He found comfort in the simulated life he was given. As far as ignorance being bliss or finding out the harsh reality of illusion, I feel like it depends on the person. I know some people who purposely try to live in a false reality because they just would rather live in a fairytale. They do not want to deal with the harsh realities that come along with knowing the truth. I also know others that no matter how painful or frustrating reality is, knowing what is real and understand what is indeed true is the only way they can function in life.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Consumer Driven Health Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Consumer Driven Health Care - Essay Example Consumer Driven Health Care (CDHC) is a three-tier health insurance plan that allows individuals to use their health savings accounts, out-of-pocket payments or health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), to pay for health care expenses (Collin et. al., 2005). CDHC allows members to pay for health care services in this way while still their health insurance policy pays for more expensive medical expenses. Health Insurance is highly deductable and costs less when used to pay for health care expenses but for routine health care expenses, an individual pays directly for the expenses through a pre funded account provided by a bank or an insurance plan. 2.0 Goal of Consumer Driven Health Care Consumer driven health care gives an individual the opportunity to pay for routine medical expenses using consumer controlled account instead of the highly deductable fixed health insurance. This is an advantage to the patients because it allows them to have a greater control on their health care budgets. In this consumer driven health care plan, individuals have a role in decision making regarding the care they receive. Patients are able to ask about the cost of a treatment and choose a treatment option that is less expensive. This consumer directed health plan also advices employees on cost and selection of quality services, which enables employees to make informed decisions on their health care (Rowe, et. al., 2008, pp.12-19).... care gives an individual the opportunity to pay for routine medical expenses using consumer controlled account instead of the highly deductable fixed health insurance. This is an advantage to the patients because it allows them to have a greater control on their health care budgets. In this consumer driven health care plan, individuals have a role in decision making regarding the care they receive. Patients are able to ask about the cost of a treatment and choose a treatment option that is less expensive. This consumer directed health plan also advices employees on cost and selection of quality services, which enables employees to make informed decisions on their health care (Rowe, et. al., 2008, pp.12-19). Through the national health care plan, low income earners can also enjoy the benefits of having the consumer driven health care plan because they will be able to afford the health care services. Health care providers respond to the high consumer enrollment to the health plan by fu rther providing quality services at cost effective prices. 3.0 Disadvantage of Consumer Driven Health Care Employees that are enrolled into the consumer driven health care plan tend to pay more for health care services because of the out of pocket payment, compared to those enrolled in traditional payment plans (Collins et. al., 2005, pp.8-23). Low income employees are highly negatively affected by this health care payment plan than high income earners. This is because these employees face the risk of high out of pocket payments and most opt not to receive treatment because of the high expenses. This leads to more ill workers that and has a long-term consequence both to the worker and the employer. Delaying or skipping treatment due to high health care costs affects negatively on an

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Most important events in the history of Los Angeles Essay

Most important events in the history of Los Angeles - Essay Example The main objective of the report is to be able to present certain events in the history of the city of Los Angeles to achieve the present condition of economy and social status that it has now. One of the important events in the history of Los Angeles is the discovery of oil credited to Edward L. Doheny in 1892. Although prior to the said event there are indications of the knowledge of the people and settlers regarding the said deposit, Doheny is responsible for making the deposit known. The said event initialized the economic growth of the city when a large number of oil companies decided to invest and settle in the city limits if Los Angeles (La Botz 41). The importance of the said even lies on the significance of oil in the economy of the city. From the onset of the oil industry in Los Angeles, a number of other industries started to develop and helped the state of economy of the city. Another even that can be considered important in the history of the city of Los Angeles is the establishment of the Pacific Electric Railway. Through the said mode of transportation, the economic transactions and works of people are accomplished in a shorter period of time. In addition, being one of the basic necessities for traveling, the said form of public transportation aid the socio-economic state to improve. The Pacific Electric Railway covers the Southern California area in the 1920’s, connecting Los Angeles and Orange Counties (Henstell 13). Another event that can be considered to improve the economy of the city of Los Angeles is the establishment of the harbor in 1907-1909. The said even ushered the rise of related industries such as fishing, canneries, oil drilling and shipbuilding. These industries resulted in the improvement of commerce in the city specifically due to the fact that harbors are major sites of trading activities. The increasing number of related industries can also be considered in the increase in the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Compare and contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Compare and contrast - Essay Example In Sonny’s Blues, the narrator laments about the darkness and hopelessness in his community, which were traits that existed in his ancestor’s communities and still continue to trouble youth in his generation. Sonny’s brother weeps for the boys of his community because they use heroin and other drugs, yet it seems that they are pushed into drug-taking and selling simply because other prospects for success do not exist. As he rides through the streets of Harlem, he finds history repeating itself through the youth of his time; it is almost as if black people have no hope but to resign to their fate. Likewise, Barton Fink also lives in a world where he can do little to change his circumstances; initially he seemed like a successful playwright, in charge of his world. However, when his agent informs him of an opportunity to transition into film by working in Hollywood, Fink jumps at the opportunity. Little does he know that once he signs the contract, he will be entra pped in the highly demanding, yet unforgiving world of filmmaking. Barton is frustrated when he dances and celebrates about completing his script, only to realize that his boss Lipnick thinks it is too rosy to be any good. The Capital Pictures owner then decides that he will punish Barton by keeping him in the studio even though none of Barton’s films will be produced there. Therefore, the budding writer must honor terms of his contract without necessarily gaining from them materially or professionally, so he is entrapped by the employment system. Writing films is a flaky affair, where writers surrender themselves to the whims of their eccentric employers; most of them may hold a lot of promise but may never realize it when they get into the wrong deal (Dunne 308). If something minor occurs, it is likely that those same individuals will get blamed for it, and everything else that

Friday, July 26, 2019

State-Sponsored Terrorism Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

State-Sponsored Terrorism - Term Paper Example The Second World War, just as the name suggests was a war that had resulted from numerous diplomatic rows among the government. During the wars, different countries including the United States had committed numerous war crimes in different antagonizing countries. However, in wars governments strive to protect civilians as they engage in military warfare. The United States, for example, led the western allies in the war animating their enemies while protecting her civilians (Elle man, 2006). The country had for example carried out an extensive bombing of different parts of Japan among other countries forming the eastern bloc. At the end of the war, the countries abandoned the animosities thereby concentrating on rebuilding their economies. This implies that after the war, the countries including the United States abandoned the animosity and began rebuilding. The rounding of a particular group as was the case in the United States thus amounted to an act of terror and was not part of th e war. Among the features of the internment of Japanese that succeeded in quantifying the process as an act of terror included the magnitude of the swoop. As explained earlier, terrorists use the civilians to pass messages to governments. The success of a terrorist activity relies on the number of casualties in such attacks (Robinson, 2001). The American military rounded up more than one hundred and fifty thousand Japanese in the country with the American government hoping to use such in making Japan recognize her might. The American government thus portrayed disregard to human rights as they interred the Japanese arbitrarily thereby denying them some of the basic rights and freedoms of humanity. Such factors that quantify the interment process as a state-sponsored acts of terror. The American government sponsored the entire swoop as the country used its military among other resources to concentration camps for the Japanese.

Thursday, July 25, 2019


INFORMATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION - Essay Example However, each unit works towards a single mission or vision of the organization in general. In this regard, the system approach to organization structure and management is superior to the general system theory. This is explained by the fact that synergy of the production of the different subsystems of the larger system enable an organization to effectively and efficiently achieve its objectives. Caro, Guevara and Aguayo (2003, p. 298) point out that the application of information system within an organization is congruent with the system approach of organization management and design. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) allows organizations to integrate the subsystems or units of an organization so that they work towards a common goal regardless of the uniqueness of their individual functionalities. Human resource is the most significant entity of a system or organization. As a result, the development of an information system by the IT professionals must involve human capital. This es say is a critical analysis, evaluation and discussion of the need for collaboration of HR with IT professionals in the adoption and implementation of an information system. The essay covers issues related to organizational preparedness in the implementation of an information system, the significance of all the stakeholders of the system, system approach and management approaches of the systems. It is through Enterprise Resource (ERP) planning that the achievement of an information system which integrates all units of an organization as a system is made possible. Bocij, et al., (2003) say that Porter’s Model which describes the implications of external forces on a system clearly demonstrates the significance of suppliers, buyers, new entrants, competition and substitution in an information system. Therefore it is argued that during the process of ERP, the design of an information system must give due consideration of the impact that the external factors and stakeholders have o n the success of an information system implementation. According to Elliot (2004), design of an information system must take into consideration of its suitability in meeting the objectives of the organization and the needs of the human resource, and the stakeholders of the organization such as suppliers and distributors. Moreover, the design of an information system must also be considerate of the competition so that its implementation gives the organization a competitive edge against the competition. Caro, Guevara and Aguayo (2003, p. 298) point out that the components of an information system illustrate the importance of integration of the designers or the system and the users. Information systems are composed of hardware, software, people, policies, procedures and data. Hardware and software represent the computing systems within the information system including business application software. The people within the information system are the individuals who use the information sys tem or users, the IT personnel and the administrators or managers of the system. Barros (2005) adds that the users of an information system include the human resource, suppliers, distributors and even agents of an organization. Procedures and policies are the guidelines and standards of the system which provide the appropriate approaches of implementing the information system. The data within any information system is composed of the statistics or quantitative data within the databases of the system which is usually synthesized into usable information. Dalcher and Brodie (2007) argue that for the implementation of an information system to be successful, all of its components must work in unison. This means that the componen

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

If accepted to nursing school, what unique perspectives or talents do Essay

If accepted to nursing school, what unique perspectives or talents do you bring to the profession of nursing - Essay Example Each person deals with the death of a loved one in a different way. I feel that from this experience I can better relate to people who have experienced a similar loss, and attempt to ease the anxiety of those anticipating loss. I try to look at this life altering experience in a positive light and use my knowledge in my future quest to become a nurse. I believe that it is my relationship with God that helps me to appreciate relationships with others are key to all that happens to us in life. Throughout all of my life events, I have come to understand that service is truly the giving of self for the welfare of others and that not everyone can do just that. The principles I have gained through being an Aerospace Medical Technician in the United States Air Force have inspired me to do my best for the sake of other individuals both on and off duty. Volunteering with other people has given me an ambition that has ignited me to try my hardest at everything I do. Participating in such a dynamic organization has aided me to develop composure, character, and talent. My faith proved a strong component of my desire to serve during voluntary tours in Turkey supporting Operation Iraqi and Enduring Freedom, Guam supporting a Security Theatre Package, and a Humanitarian Call to Service in aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. To be a great nurse, you have to care about others to the extent of going beyond anything a textbook could ever teach you. With every patient, a nurse is given the opportunity, responsibility and privilege of making a difference in a life; to protect and preserve it. One major skill that I am very proud of is my ability to prioritize and stay calm in a stressful situation. The talent I realized is very important while I was serving in the community of Bay St. Louis, Mississippi at a field hospital after Katrina hit. Our Emergency Medical Expeditionary

IR Spectroscopy determination of xylene using an internal standard Essay

IR Spectroscopy determination of xylene using an internal standard - Essay Example This will be used to show the various concentrations of the m-xylene and p-xylene in the unknown sample. Infrared spectroscopy is the spectroscopy that uses the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum, which is a region of lower wavelength than visible light, exciting molecules to higher vibrational states in order to detect energy of the vibrational modes in your sample. The infra-red radiation is passed through a sample by an infra-red spectrometer which uses a detector to represent the transmission in graphical representations. Infra-red spectroscopy can be used to study virtually every sample in any state of matter and the IR spectrometer utilizes FTIR spectroscopy which has improved the infrared spectra quality within a short time of analysis. This technique has been in existence since 1940’s where the instruments relied on prisms as the elements to disperse the radiations but further development has occurred which include the diffraction gratings and finally the most significant the use of interferometers and Fourier-transformation mathematical process. Infrared sp ectroscopy can be used a number of ways, one of which is based on absorption spectroscopy. Isomers of organic molecules display a unique vibrational frequency; thus by analyzing a specific region of the spectrum, overlaying pure and different concentrations of a sample molecule as well as any background spectra it is possible to determine the concentration of an unknown sample From the results the concentration of p-xylene and m-xylene in the two samples was determine using the Fourier transform infrared spectrometer using the internal standards. It was observed it is possible to calculate the exact concentration of both p-xylene and m-xylene in the samples if the exact concentration of the stock solution used is known. This determines their

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Geothermal energy (ethical issues) Research Paper

Geothermal energy (ethical issues) - Research Paper Example Interview: Ormat: Engineer Lucien Bronicki, who is the chairman and chief technology officer and his wife Yehudit Dita Bronicki, the cheif executive officer. ORMAT was established in 1965, formally known as Ormat Turbines Ltd. Lucien Bronicki worked in a physics laboratory which was funded by the government in the late 1950s. Here, he developed a turbine which would be used for electricity production from a wide range of energy sources which includes solar energy (Bronicki (c)). Later on he retired to exploit his ideas commercially where he set up the Ormat together with his wife. Ormat’s early years only focused exclusively with the manufacture of power generating equipment (Bronicki (a) 3). During the 1970s the Israeli government gave Ormat technology financial assistance, and also raised additional capital from the private sector investors. All this was for the building of the world’s first power station to produce electricity from solar energy. However this power station did not meet its target as far as economy was concerned so it was abandoned in 1988. In the 1980s, Ormat began to build systems which generated electricity using heat that would be emitted in industries during industrial processes also known as recovered energy. Later in the year the company ventured into geothermal where they used the company’s technology to generate electricity. In the 1990s Ormat decided to own and be involved with the management of alternative and renewable power station instead of relying on the provision of power generating equipment. The main product that Ormat technology provides is geothermal power solutions and energy recovery solutions. However, it is involved in the design of turbines, heat exchangers, pumps as well as organic fluids that do not degrade the ozone layer done originally by their designers. The company is also involved with the construction of combined cycle geothermal power plants in which power in a back pressure steam turbine is produces first by steam. The bottom of the vapour turbo generator does the condensing of the vapour. This produces additional power. It also provides services which are related to procurement, construction, engineering, maintenance and operations of recovery energy and geothermal plants. Ormat technologies operates and also owns geothermal power plants in Nevada, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Kenya, California, Hawaii, Indonesia and Guatemala. Worldwide, Ormat has 1069 employees in their Reno headquarters in the United States and the other figures distributed in their othe r stations in other countries. Below is the ranking of the Ormat technologies from the chief technology officer to the independent director. It is in this order; name, age, since and the current position. Name Age since Current position Lucien  Bronicki 77 2004 Chairman of the board, chief technology officer Yehudit  Bronicki 70 2007 Chief executive officer, director Yoram  Bronicki 45 2007 President, chief operating officer, director Joseph  Tenne 56 2005 Chief financial officer Nadav  Amir 61 2009 Executive vice president -operations Zvi  Krieger 56 2009 Executive vice President- geothermal resources Zvi  Reiss 61 2004 Executive vice President- Project Management Joseph  Shiloah 66 2010 Executive vice President- Business Development, Special Project, Rest of the World Etty  Rosner 56 2007 Executive vice President- Contract Management, Corporate Secretary Shimon  Hatzir 50 2009 senior vice President- Engineering Nir  Wolf 46 2010 vice President- Business devel opment, marketing and sales, rest of the world Robert  Clarke 69 2007 Independent Director Dan  Falk 67 2004 Independent Director Roger  Gale 65 2005 Independent Director David  Wagener 57 2010 Independent Director As of the year 2011 Ormat geothermal provider and technology provider had an increase of 17% to $437 million in total revenues. Their product revenue increase is 39% which accounts for 25% of their total revenues. There was an increase of 11% to $323.8 million in electricity revenues from

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Father Essay Essay Example for Free

The Father Essay Essay A man is shaped by the people in his environment. In The Father by Hugh Garner, John Purcell, the father, is not dysfunctional, the whole family is. He attempts to fit in but he is stopped, not only by his son, but by also the rest of his dysfunctional family. John attempts to be integrate into his family, but on several occasions is obstructed by his son. John attempts to start conversations with Johnny, but is ignored and soon stops these futile attempts. In addition, when he tries to watch his son play, his son bluntly ignores him. As well, John enthusiastically greets his son on the street only to have a wave in return. John even goes to a Boy Scout dinner in hopes of repairing the damage in the relationship between him and his son; nevertheless, his son continues to embarrass him. As you can see, the father is actually trying to become a handy member of his family, however, his family is actually hindering him from accomplishing his goal. The main person responsible for blocking John from becoming purposeful is his own son Johnny. Johnny doesnt talk with his dad, therefore, making him feel isolated from his son since he knows nothing about him. Whenever Johnnys dad tries to become functional with Johnny, Johnny makes his dad feel stupid for trying. Some more specific examples of this is when dad saw Johnny on the street, Johnny barely managed a wave. Also, when his dad went to see his son play games in the schoolyard, Johnny bluntly ignored his dad. Johnny is the main reason that John is not succeeding in becoming useful. However, the other members of the family also help Johnny in his evil deeds. Johnny is accountable for most of the blockage against his father; however, he also receives help from his family. To maintain as little as communication between Johnny and his father, Johnny gets his mom to talk the father for him. Johnny told his mother to give the dad the invitation to the Boy Scout dinner. Furthermore, the family reprimands John by telling him to be nice to Johnny, making it seem as if the distance between him and his son is his entire fault. As you can see, the whole family participates to forbid  John Purcell from becoming a functional member of the family. As you have just read, a man is shaped by the people in his environment. It is not John Purcells fault that he is dysfunctional; it is the familys fault that he is dysfunctional. John is trying to become a functional member, however, his dysfunctional family refuses to cooperate with him. With this evidence, you would come to the conclusion that it is not that John Purcell is dysfunctional; its the whole family that is dysfunctional.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Three Gorges Dam Construction Project

Three Gorges Dam Construction Project Section 1: Goal, Scope and Rationale The Three Gorges Dam is widely accepted as the largest Dam Construction project to ever take place. The main goal of the project was to design and build the biggest hydroelectric dam of the world on the Yangtze River in China, which would be over 180 meters in height and 2.3 km in width. The motivation behind constructing the Dam was in order to control the rivers water levels to limit flooding, and to produce hydroelectric power. ( (Power-Technology, 2010) The Dam was intended to raise the water level on one side of the river by 100 meters. This would lead to many small towns and buildings that were near the Three Gorges Dam to become flooded. In fact, over one million people were to be displaced in order to construct the Dam. In order to accommodate the people who were displaced, new towns had to be built in order to transfer the people living near the Dam to other safe areas. The project also involved installing some 28 generators in order to produce an estimated 18 MW of hydroelectric power. ( An additional 6 power generators are planned to be installed in order to increase the Dams power production capacity ( The Dam was also designed to facilitate ship locks, which would be extremely useful in order to a llow ships to travel across the dam without interfering with their travel route options. ( The Project was given the green light for construction to begin in 1992 but official construction started in 1994. The Project cost was estimated at $9 billion. The project was to be funded by several different sources including international banks from Switzerland and Canada and various other companies. ( Section 2: Strategy Alignment The Three Gorges Dam was a project undertaken by the Chinese government. As the Chinese government obviously did not have the resources available to construct the Dam, e.g. expertise, experience and equipment, the Chinese government outsourced to European and American companies. Western companies which were involved in the project were mainly involved with supplying the power equipment and restrictions were imposed on them. It was agreed upon that the manufacture of the power equipment such as generators and turbines had to take place in China, in partnership with local companies. ( In the example of the Three Gorges Dam, which is a government led project, it can be clearly observed how the project aligns with the governments strategy. China is generally accepted as one of the largest Carbon Dioxide emitting countries in the world coming in second place behind the United States and suffers from increasing pollution levels in the air. In addition to this, China is considered to be a booming economy, with an ever increasing demand for energy. In order to be able to supply this increasing demand in energy, without increasing its carbon footprint, the Chinese government implemented a strategy of investing in clean sources of energy such as hydroelectric power. (DavorH, 2015) To some extent the Three Gorges Dam aligns with this strategy as it promised. The Dam would produce 18 MW of clean hydroelectric power which would in turn reduce Chinas dependency on coal for energy production and would reduce Chinas carbon footprint. Also the Dam would enable the controlling of water levels and hence flooding. (Hays, 2013) ( There were of course alternative ways to produce clean energy and to reduce Chinas carbon footprint, rather than building the Three Gorges Dam. Some alternatives include nuclear power, solar energy, Wind energy or even investing in making energy production from coal power stations more efficient. All these methods could also have reduced Chinas carbon footprint. Section 3: Management of Risk When it comes to risks, the Three Gorges Dam can be considered to pose many. From risks to the environment, to financial risks, to physical risks, the Three Gorges Dam has them all. I believe that in my opinion the largest risk is the physical risk of a major earthquake. Geologists have confirmed that the Dam lies on the intersection of two fault lines. This is usually the area most prone to earthquakes as tectonic plates slide across each other. It is believed that even though the Dam lies in a high risk area already, the massive weight of the water exerts extremely high pressure on the ground below the Dam which can eventually assist in the formation of an earthquake. Several tremors have been recorded near the Dam since its construction which has raised concern over this phenomenon. (Watson, 2008) It is possible that in the event of a large earthquake, the Dam could possibly collapse. In the event that the Dam would collapse, massive amounts of water would be suddenly released and allowed to travel downstream, as well as massive pieces from the Dam wall. This could result in large scale destruction of property downstream, destruction of the environment and even mass scale death since millions of people live downstream of the river. The Chinese government has been addressed with these concerns from its citizens. The Chinese government has made a statement ensuring the public that the largest scale earthquake that is possible in that region is not large enough to destroy the Dam. (Adams, 2011) I believe the risk of an earthquake destroying the Dam is the most significant risk to the Three Gorges Dam as it poses a risk that occurs suddenly and there is no warning given prior to the event which would enable engineers to assess the situation. Section 4: Conclusions: Evaluation of Project Success When taking into consideration what the main goal of the project was, which was to build the worlds largest Dam and hydroelectric power station, the project has succeeded. The Three Gorges Dam is now the largest Dam in the world and the largest hydroelectric power plant in the world. On the other hand, there were other aspects in which the project can be considered to have failed. The project was aimed to cost $9 billion before construction begun, but by 2012 the expected cost had climbed up to $37.2 billion. The actual cost was more than 4 times the estimated cost before the project had begun and this is a major problem for the projects success. With regards to time, the project begun construction in 1994 and construction was completed in 2006. ( At the end of the Dams completion, an estimated 1.4 million paper were calculated to have been forced to relocated somewhere else, a total of 16 cities, 140 towns and 1350 villages were submerged in water. (BBC, 2012) On the other hand, the reason the Dam was constructed was to produce hydroelectric power in order to reduce the Chinese Governments dependency on coal, and to control flooding. With regards to power production, in 2012, the Dams power production capacity was 22.5 Gigawatts, which is equal to an outstanding 11% of Chinas hydroelectric power production capacity. The fact that a single Dam amounts to 11% of the countries hydroelectric power production capacity can definitely be considered as a success in that manner. With regards to flooding control, Chinese officials have stated that the Dam is a solution to the problem of flooding. (BBC, 2012) In my opinion, I consider the whole project to have been a success, as it has increased Chinas hydroelectric power production capacity by a large amount as well as allow for the controlling of life taking floods. Even though the project cost far more than estimated, and has created problems for some people I believe that the ultimate goal of inc reasing Chinas hydroelectric power production capacity as well as allowing for the controlling of flooding was achieved and therefore the project can be considered a success. References   Adams, P. (2011) Chinese study reveals Three gorges dam triggered 3, 000 earthquakes, numerous landslides. Available at: (Accessed: 5 December 2016). BBC (2012) Chinas Three gorges dam reaches operating peak. Available at: (Accessed: 5 December 2016). DavorH (2015) China hydropower as the right solution? Available at: (Accessed: 5 December 2016). Hays, J. (2013) THREE GORGES DAM: BENIFITS, PROBLEMS AND COSTS. Available at: (Accessed: 5 December 2016). Available at: (Accessed: 5 December 2016). Available at: (Accessed: 5 December 2016). Power-Technology (2010) Available at: (Accessed: 5 December 2016). Watson, S. (2008) Why could chinas Three gorges dam cause an environmental disaster?Available at: (Accessed: 5 December 2016). Available at: (Accessed: 5 December 2016).

Preventing Ethical Problems In Business Philosophy Essay

Preventing Ethical Problems In Business Philosophy Essay What is ethics, and what does it mean to put business and ethics together? What would it mean for a company to do this well? Ethics is a foundation of principles of moral conduct that is based on the philosophies of those involved in a life situation. Therefore, the melding of business and ethics is following these moral guidelines in a business life situation. This can be a slippery slope, as there needs to be an agreement between the moral behavior and the mission of the business, which at times seem to be at odds. It is important to recognize that ethics has a mission it is attempting to accomplish. That mission is not to create the perfect business world but to limit the harm on all stakeholders in their business life situations. What the discipline of business ethics can and must do is to provide an approach for improving the lives of the stakeholders who, with business, live in an imperfect, and sometimes harmful, world. (D. Robin, 2010). So the answer to doing business ethics well requires understanding the possibilities of the harms that could occur for the stakeholders. In order to do that it is v ital to understand the stakeholders and their needs through a stakeholder analysis. This is a helpful way for managers to identify the relevant purposes and consequences in a given case (Freeman, Martin, Werhane Wicks, 2010). In determining what ethical or moral code of conduct will be employed to eliminate or minimize a harm it is a waste of time to establish a code that does not resolve an issue that for any of the stakeholders. If this arbitrary moral code that has no positive or negative effect on any stakeholders is employed it is meaningless. However, if an issue is identified that applies to one or more stakeholders a meaningful moral code can be establish that is useful to all. So an organization that starts first by understanding their stakeholders through a stakeholder analysis and what their needs are will be able to employ meaningful and useful ethics that will allow them limit the harm and do business ethics well. What are the three traditions of ethics, and how do they provide guidance to help inform your managerial decision-making? The three traditions of ethics according to Business Ethics: A Managerial Approach (Freeman, Martin, Werhane Wicks, 2010) are; Actions or means people use to achieve their goals; Agent or persons who are acting in the situation; and Ends or goals that are outcomes of actions. At first glance some comparisons between the traditions would seem to suggest that they are opposites. However, they are really a view of situations from different angles or approaches. They each provide a value in their own right. An actions based approach focuses on the standards that we are using in the decision making process. Is the decision maker following the rules of decency in coming to his moral decision? In an actions based approach it is believed that the means is paramount in the ethical decision that is being made. An actions based approach may be the most useful when stakeholders are going to see the entire process and expect things to be done in a certain way. An Agents based approach does not d eal with how its done nor does it deal with what the the outcome is. Instead it centers on what the decision says about the person making the decision. Does this decision prop up his or her character or does it undermine it? This approach would likely be used when the decision creates a lasting impression that will cause a long term affect of the decision maker or the organization. Finally, an Ends based approach does not look back. It does not concern itself with how it was done or what the decision says about the individual or organization. Instead it looks to the end and assesses the result. Did it yield the positive result that was desired? Focusing on the Ends would be desired when there is little to no harm in how things are done or what the process means but instead what the bottom line becomes. Each of these traditions has its place and its value in providing the guidance to conclude what ethical decision is needed. Before this class discussion in module 1, what was your sense of why organizational ethics like Enron, Arthur Anderson, and Worldcom, happen? I dont like to cast full judgment on people or an organization without completely understanding the entire story. However, I did have a very dim view based on the details of which I was aware. My perspective was that a very large company was taking advantage of the federal government. To mount more trouble on top of it, in the case of Enron, Arthur Anderson who should have held them to a higher standard as an auditor allowed the corruption to continue. The irony of all of this is of course the largest more corrupt offender of all, the federal government, was holding both of these organizations to a standard that they themselves cannot follow in terms of accountability, which is evidenced based on their balance sheet. I certainly did not have an understanding that the 3 traditions of ethics could be applied in this situation. It would seem at some very cloudy level they were applying the Ends tradition. I say this is cloudy in that it brought with it the baggage of corruption to get t o the ends that should have almost obscured the view of it. I would suggest that it would have been more prudent for them to employ the Action, Agent or a combination of these traditions of ethics as it would have likely caused a different outcome. The long term result of this is much more than the harm these organizations caused themselves and their stakeholders. The constraints that often come from harmful situations such as saddling all companies with Sarbanes-Oxley will unnecessarily felt by the business community for years to come. Which factors seem to be most important in diagnosing why bad things happen? What role does the individual, and individual conscience, play in making sure good things happen organizations? To determine within an organization what is the cause of bad ethical decisions it is important to understand the morality and conscience of individuals within the organization and what is driving the decisions that they are making. This includes not only the leadership of an organization but all members from the top down. It can be valuable to look at not only the moral development of the individual but what forces that affect decision making are in play (Freeman, Martin, Werhane Wicks, 2010). First moral development, which is postulated by Kohlberg to be progressive, should be looked at and considered. While not all theorists agree with this approach it can be used as a good model for understanding causation of ethical problems. What is the tendency of individuals in terms of moral development? Is there a tendency to make ethical decisions based on the earlier stages of fear or are they at a point of maturity in this process? Knowing where individuals are in this spectrum can help us understand if it is part of the problem (Forsyth, Donelson R, 1992). Also, if the leadership of the organization is at the early point of the moral spectrum they are going to feed this type of decision making down through the rest of the organization. Understanding not only the individuals moral development but also the leaderships moral development all the way through the organization will help in the diagnosis of the problems. Second, we need to look at the forces in play for decision making. In considering each of the forces discussed in the text it can be assumed that it can be applied at the individual level if we want to understand the problems and want to see good decisions within the organization. Attempting to apply these forces at an organizational level becomes abstract and makes it very difficult to see or directly affect individuals. For example, to see how authority is properly communicated in an organization it is necessary to look at specific examples of this. That is, how a particular individual in authority communicates to other individuals in the organization is important in the making of good ethical decisions. Likewise, how an individual responds to that authority will play into it as well. This can be done with each of the other forces, Distance from Responsibility, Tunnel Vision, Rationalization, External Pressure and Communication Breakdowns. Applying individual notions to each of the se will help in both the diagnosis and resolving to better decision making. Therefore the consideration of the individual conscience both in the diagnosis and the resolution of good decisions is a key element. Read the case, Marge Norman and Miniscribe Corporation, pages 58 67 of your textbook. Provide a summary of this case including the ethical dilemmas and how they were handled in this case. Draw on what you learned in chapters 1 2 as part of your response. The case of Marge Norman and Miniscribe Corporation is a good example of some of the central forces that affect the decision making process, chief of which is the authority force (Freeman, Martin, Werhane Wicks, 2010). In addition, the findings and results suggest the rationalization played a major role in the decisions that were made within the company that caused the downfall of the corporation. Chronologically, the case begins with a company in a difficult position financially. Initially it appeared as if things were moving in a good direction with new leadership, Q. T. Wiles, being very decisive and with a solid influx of investors. One of the dilemmas that initially showed it head was in the area of communication breakdown, as all information was required to be communicated from the very top. In doing this it can be completely controlled as to what is being communicated. This created a fertile ground to allow the story to become whatever the leader wanted it to be. This also ti es into the central force of authority, which played a major role. With Q.T. Wiles being a strong personality with his 13 disciplines it would appear that the company was being lead in the right direction with strong accountability. From the outside this might give the appearance of a solid ethical foundation ensuring those doing the work are being held accountable. As the case continues and we see in the end that cooking of the books had occurred, this suggests that the authority force did indeed play a major role. In addition, the case states that there were many employees involved in the cover up. To have a large number involved it would require an authority figure guiding them and providing rationalizations in the process. There was also the external pressure force placed on the leadership by the accountability structure to come up with the correct numbers, which has the possibility of causing bad decision making. For the scandal to be this successful it had to cause dilemmas fo r all areas of the company. The accountants had to decide if the numbers forced to them should be used. The sales department always watches the numbers closely and would have had to wonder about the inflated numbers. Even the shipping department, who day to day knew what would be going into the boxes, must have faced a moral dilemma. As lies or deceptions occur within a company there is a need for consistency in the store and an escalation tends to occur (Kidwell Martin, 2005). As deceptive dilemmas began to mount with each bad decision more bad decisions were made until it was impossible to conceal as indicated by MiniScribes 13 successful quarters. Looking back had any of the employees overcome the central forces and employed even one of the rationalization tests earlier in the process, the scandal could have been less severe. Far too late, Marge Norman applied the publicity test in a small way by communicating her findings to her supervisor. Had this been done earlier the story would have been different. Had the leadership put themselves in the place of the stockholders, using the reversibility test, it would have brought to the surface the lack of ethics in the decisions. And certainly, using the generalizability test and comparing the situation even to ones personal finances it would be clear that this situation would eventually be found out. The mounting power of the authority force and rationalization along with a failure to apply any of the rationalization tests to the situation proved to be the down fall of MiniScribe. Sadly, this affected not only the company itself but many others in the process.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

NBC: The Most Watched Television Network Essay -- Television Media TV

NBC: The Most Watched Television Network What makes any company successful? It could be anything from a hard work ethic, a wise decision based on experience, or even luck. Essentially there all kinds of ways that make a company successful. For the last seventy-five years one television network has beat others to capture such a large audience, making it the most watched network. That network is the National Broadcasting Company, otherwise known as NBC. The combination of its television shows, national and local news programs, and history has allowed it to grow into one of the top successful networks. In the beginning NBC was a radio network created by the Radio Corporation of America, also known as RCA, in 1926. (Straubhaar, 2002) Right then and there NBC started to compete with the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS). They still compete to today. An example is CBS airing Survivor on Thursday night at the same time as NBC’s number one show, Friends, airs. By the 1940s, NBC became a television network. (NBC, 2001) The many reasons as to how NBC is successful are because of its many ground breaking innovations that were soon followed by other networks. NBC was the first permanent broadcasting network, first U.S. coast-to-coast radio broadcast, first license for a commercial television station, first to offer an early-morning news program, first color telecast, first made for television movie, and the first major television network to launch a web offering. (NBC, 2001) In addition to paving the way for other networks, NBC owns and operates thirteen stations. The stations are located in large cities such as New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, and Miami. With these stations and their affiliates, NBC i... ...ds of employees and the help of jointed businesses, NBC has made its way into almost every family room in the United States and five other continents. NBC is a prime example of a small company that made its way in the world by pleasing its audience and keeping up with the times, to come out on top. Their dedication and hard work has enabled them to become a successful company. Works Cited Corporate Info. NBC. 14 October 2001 >. Straubhaar, Joseph and LaRose, Robert. Media Now Communications in the Information Age. Belmont: Wadsworth, Thompson Learning, 2002. 153. Wallace, Bill. â€Å"For NBC, the Olympics Are Already Over.† Bridge News, 12 Sept. 2000: 1-3. Academic Search Elite. EBSCO Publishing. (AN:2W63239835933) 15 Oct. 2001 .

Friday, July 19, 2019

Gender Roles in Angela Carters The Company of Wolves Essay -- Carter

Gender Roles in Angela Carter's The Company of Wolves In her transformation of the well-known fable "Little Red Riding Hood," Angela Carter plays upon the reader's familiarity. By echoing elements of the allegory intended to scare and thus caution young girls, she evokes preconceptions and stereotypes about gender roles. In the traditional tale, Red sticks to "the path," but needs to be rescued from the threatening wolf by a hunter or "woodsman." Carter retells the story with a modern perspective on women. By using fantasy metaphorically and hyperbolically, she can poignantly convey her unorthodox and underlying messages. Before telling the story of Red Riding Hood, Carter establishes the nature of wolves in a folk-lore or legend style, which appears to be at least partially factual. The narrator describes wolves as malicious hunters in an ominous tone: "The wolf is carnivore incarnate and he's as cunning as he is ferocious; once he's had a taste of flesh, then nothing else will do" (Norton Anthology of Literature by Women, 2232). She tells of their desperation for food, one possible explanation for their eagerness to devour humans, but warns that the danger of falling prey to a wolf is ever-present. Beneath her descriptive background information of wolves lies Carter's real message: men are sexual predators, and hunt for flesh like wolves do. This subtle and foreshadowed element becomes slightly more overt as the focus changes from wolves of the forest, to the mythical creatures of werewolves. The narrator alludes to three plausible legends involving the hunter, the witch, and the bride, who all encountered men who transformed into wolves. She references possible explanations for this phenomenon, citing the Devil tra... roles and become the sexual aggressor to be the victor instead of the victim. Carter's twist on a well-known tale likely surprises many readers. Thus she is likely suggesting we should rethink our expectations of gender roles. Another way of presenting alternate gender roles would be making Red a boy, and having him saved by a girl at the end, but this scenario would not be as striking and therefore effective. Furthermore, Red's sexual awakening and consequent taming of the "wolf" serves as encouragement for women not to be passive, but to assert themselves in all situations, especially sex, which is one area that has long been characterized by rigid/traditional expectations of gender roles. Works Cited: Carter, Angela. "The Company of Wolves." Folk and Fairy Tales. Eds. Martin Hallett and Barbara Karasek. 3rd Edition. Toronto: Broadview Press, 2002.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Artificial Intelligency

This paper illustrates the social implications of artificial intelligence as a part of Information technology. So the paper tries to investigate on the origin, evolution, types and purpose of artificial intelligence technology. In order to understand the technology of AI, the paper closely observes the technical architecture and related functionality of AI as an Informational technology.Then the study tries to observe the applicable areas of AI under different industrial segments. The paper analyses the real impact by observing the positive as well as negative outcomes of the AI on the society.The paper concludes that as like other technologies, the features of AI are highly useful to the society and there is a necessity to concentrate on restructuring the legal frame work while operating with such an efficient system as it almost replaces the human intervention in many cases. Introduction:Artificial intelligence is one of the advanced fields to investigate in information technology. It is the branch of science combined with engineering that uses the computer programs in making intelligent machines. AI is mainly concerned with designing of systems that exhibit the characteristics associated with human intelligence like understanding of language, learning, reasoning, solving problems etc.The field attracted many IT researchers due to its enormous underlying intellectual challenges. Researchers are creating systems which can imitate human thoughts, understanding of speech, logical processing, and automatic math calculations etc.The dream of smart machines becoming true due to advanced progress in AI programming techniques. It is related to the usage of computers to understand human intelligence, but AI has not confined itself to methods that are biologically observable.The ultimate effort of AI is to make computer programs that can solve problems and achieve goals that can replace the human effort. For this reason, the field of AI has become controversial in the sight of social, ethical, and philosophical practitioners.Scope of study:The current study tries to identify the social implications of Artificial intelligence. Back ground: History of AI:The AI name was proposed in 1950s but it was implemented at 1956 at a conference on the campus of Dartmouth College.   John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Allen Newell and Herbert Simon, were the pioneers of AI research. They wrote programs for solution for word problems in algebra, proving logical theorems and speaking English.At that time, they worked on machines to develop the machines to do the work as equal to human intelligence can do.   But due to the difficulties like lack of raw computer power, the inflexible combinatorial explosion of their algorithms, the difficulty in representing commonsense knowledge and doing commonsense reasoning, the incredible difficulty of perception and motion and the failings of logic, their dreams were not come true.The Specialization of various AI Studies and d ifferent AI-related studies had developed during the 70's. Edward Feigenbaum started research on expert systems and Roger Schank advanced language analysis with interpretation of meanings to words. Due to the success of expert systems like MIS, knowledge system, medical diagnosis, the AI field was revitalized in early 1980s and also commercial growth has taken place with a big place for market in the IT industry.The market for AI was crossed more than a billion dollars. In the 90s, AI achieved great successes giving its credit to the factors like incredible power of computers and joint ventures to have new tie-ups between AI and other fields working on similar problems.Artificial intelligence was adopted throughout the technology industry in the areas like medical processing, heavy logistics, data mining, remote controlling, space science, military sciences and critical math computing areas etc.,Purposes of Artificial Intelligence:The development of AI has two motivations. Those are technological and psychological motivations. So far, development in AI programs has been conducted with these two motivations. Some developers want to make computers to do useful task without caring how developers do that task. These are methods such as   sensitivity to ultraviolet light, or an extensive search in advance through all the legal chess moves for several steps.Other developers are using AI to learn about human brains.   The medicine technology wants to investigate on human brain. AI gives a simulating edge to do such investigations on machines instead of conducting critical experiments directly on humans. This process of investigation in turn helps to develop psychological theories for the benefit and advancement of human kind.Development o f AI:Over the past 50 years, AI has made its impact on many sectors like education, medicine, logistics, pharmacy, R&D etc., to enhance the utilities in the daily lives of people in society. AI is being used in everyday consumer items such as robotic vacuum cleaners, running shoes along with advanced aeronautic navigation systems and medical computer imaging systems.  Artificial intelligence focused on developing hardware and software systems to solve problems which can only be solved by human intelligence usually. The AI includes studying and developing machines such as robots, automatic pilots for airplanes, space ships, and â€Å"smart† military weapons.Artificial Intelligence is aims to create intelligence through man made systems. This intelligence can range from low-level insect intelligence to human level intelligence.Artificial intelligence is to manipulate the information and interact with the environment which entails intelligence in an organism. The main idea behind the AI is that human beings and animals acquire knowledge from their environment and manipulation that knowledge in an efficient manner.Artificial Intelligence is slowly becoming part of our daily life. The AI applications r ange from video game to military applications.In practice, AI’s effective computability is drawn similar to the human intelligence in the lines that mind is represented by program controlled machines and mental structures refer to symbolic data structures, while mental processes implement algorithms. With this architecture, AI filed facilitates the computers to adopt advanced problem solving approaches to solve the complex situations.Artificial Intelligence is not limited to the field of information technology but also it encompasses on certain fields of Linguistics, Physiology and Psychology.AI is also very much helpful to Psychologists. They can express their theories clearly as programs. If the program fails to produce the proposed results, then the theory is incorrect, but the executed program will give a way to find out the mistake very easily in the instances like simulation, which would be very difficult and time consuming to find otherwise.However, if the program succ eeds, it does not just infer that the results for the theory are true in actual sense; but they help to correlate the practical outcome with the theories.AI is being using in the areas like financial processing, R&D design engineering, public transport schedulers, planning & architecture, security protocols etc., AI systems can provide guidance on gardening, travel, car maintenance in daily life and In order to assist the disabled persons AI robots were also developed.The theory and practice of AI is leading to the development of a wide range of artificially intelligent tools. Sometimes these tools will work under the guidance of a human and sometimes without external guidance, those are able to solve or help to solve a steadily increasing range of problems. (David Moursund)

Analysis of Jane Austin’s Pride And Prejudice Essay

Elizabeths and Darcys epithet ( non literal tho rather implied) of Proud and Prejudiced as the title of the book indicates, is clearly perspicuous in the discourse and the occasion of pronouns embed in extract A chapter 10. purify B chapter 58, has an entirely contrasting recitation of discourse and the house of persons is fundament exclusivelyy different to that of extract A, the I and you of Elizabeth and Darcy bring about increasingly to a greater extent like a metaphorical we or us as the book progresses, bring about a new implied epithet of humble and judge. Benveniste refers to the use of pronouns as bringing unitarys ego into reality by federal agency of the othering of pack. The culture of politeness at the cartridge clip that Jane capital of Texas wrote Pride and Prejudice laid that a person had to be c elder more subtle in their cost to, amongst others, insults. This was predominantly done through the careen in indexicals, in the equivalent room we as the reader are sufficient to pick up on the transmutation from repulsion between Elizabeth and Darcy through to tie and ultimately love, all as an out allow of language.In extract A Mr. Darcy moves closer, drawing near declination 2, to Elizabeth , this is indicative of his union towards her although it may be on a sub-conscious level. The reader burn down assume this as he moves his entire body towards her in a private trend. He accordingly proceeds to other and mock her in tie 4 by non including his own instanceiveness in the discourse. Do non you feel a bulky inclination, Miss Bennet, to seize such an chance of dancing a gyrate? In this vocalism Mr. Darcy does not include him egotism in the discourse and refers to Elizabeth as you, this creates a exceed between the devil as the you is not linked to Mr. Darcys I. Mr. Darcy extenuates Elizabeth by referring to her as Miss Bennet, in this he creates more distance by the formal address.The word seize is a blat ant attempt to incite a reaction from Elizabeth by emphasizing her familys economic situation by insinuating that macrocosm poor, she would jump at the opportunity to let loose and revel in the opportunity to participate in, it is implied, this rare treat. In actuality Darcy is development an ironical tone to provoke a rejoinder and although othering Elizabeth is desperately seeking her attention. The same practice is performed by most teenage children, often mocking and behaving in a callous manner to the opposite shake in site simply to learn them. Elizabeth does not answer his question and he is forced torepeat it. This indicates to the reader that although the dickens seem to be partaking in an argument, it is more than that and they are rather tho severe to get attention from one another. It is meaning(a) to note that at the time the romance was written it would be considered extremely naive to not answer a localize question and the fact that Elizabeth does this t o Darcy understands us that she is a head strong proud man-to-man and that she feels pacifierable enough with Mr. Darcy to be impolite. by and by having repeated the question Elizabeth answers him. The house of the subjectivity and deixis is well demonstrated in her response to him. I heard you before, she involves him as a you (the object) and rebukes him by making him awake that he knew she had heard and there was no need to repeat the question. She continues by re-iterating her role of othering him by using in serve line 9 opposed to to you. To garnish his opinion and highlight his rudeness, she proceeds and turns him into the subject by placing the you at the beginning of the conviction in line 9, You wanted me. Elizabeth does this in order to embarrass Darcy and in doing so becomes a hypocrite, by using a tit for tat approach. She rebukes his poor amity simply in doing so becomes just as malicious as Darcy.Elizabeth s resolelytal reaches the crux with her proverbial but line 10 after involving him she abruptly removes him as a subject in her discourse and moves into a statement, I entrance in overthrowing those kind of schemes, and cheating a person of their premeditated contempt. The reader batch observe the those and their as a agency of putting Darcy and his verbal banter in the same category as whatever other person she has encountered in her past. To conjure up her point with dramatic effect she slows the step of her utterances I get down, therefore, made up my forefront to tell you, that I do not want to dance a reel at all and now detest me if you dare. Once again she makes herself the subject with the I have then a the series of pauses so that the reaffirmation of her subjectivity substructure occur distinctively three times I have, made up my mind, that I do not want. In closing Elizabeth forces the mansion onto Darcy by using straight off and efficacious words despise and dare. It is then impossible for Darcy to av oid discourse and resorts to a defence of his ego offered by the I.Extract B chapter 58 begins with Darcy explaining to Elizabeth the wad of his youth that brought about the selfish line 8 adult that he became. In this monologue Darcys use of pronouns from lines 1 through to 11 are all self involved and one erect notice the repetition of I at the beginning of sentences and after conjunctions or the offshoot of a new point. This is unlike the use of I found in preferably extracts as well as early extracts this is due to Darcys explanation creation of little importance to any polarity of persons but rather a drawing description. Darcy has by this stage of the book evolved into around an entirely different I or person.When he uses the I in this separate of the extract he is in effect borrowing it from his old self in order to justify his Prejudiced actions towards not only Elizabeth but all people he perceived to be of an inferior class. The introduction of Darcys new self occurs in line 12 with his inclusion body of you and the use of Elizabeth s name, but for you, dearest, loveliest Elizabeth. The pin of all ego is done by attributing dearest and loveliest to the you of Elizabeth , importantly he uses the spinning top of these attributes to raise her above all others. By you I was properly humbled. line 14 this positioning of the you before the I show that Darcy has completely surrendered himself over to Elizabeth by with child(p) the you tenure of the I.Elizabeth, not surprisingly, as well as gives herself over to Darcy by reversing the order of pronouns in line 17 Had you then persuaded yourself that I should?. The use of pronouns as Benviniste demonstrates is a direct government agency and the only true representation of ones ego. Both Elizabeth and Darcy then proceed in a rather shameful manner to reverse the polarity of persons in order to apologise to one another. How you must have hated me after that evening line 22, the reader shou ld take note of the utterance being formed as a question but made as a statement.Certainly Elizabeth is seeking a response but in a very peaceable manner Darcy replies in an equally passive tone but hints of defensive tones can be detect in his response of Hate you I was angry, perhaps, at first, but my anger before long began to take a proper charge line 23. Darcy involuntarily reverts back to his old I as a means of defence and finding a comfort zone, correcting himself he introduces and Elizabeth and her you by implyingthat she is the proper vigilance. The lines that follow are of the same passive nature as slowly the I and you of Darcy and Elizabeth become one.Benviniste tries to convey that our use of pronouns is in essentially the only way in which or utterances or communication can be of any importance. Pronouns are the introduction in which or egos can be transmitted into reality. These two extracts from Pride and Prejudice show wondrous how this is done. Through the book we notice a clear change in the polarity of persons from that of egotistical to unselfish and relinquished pronouns.BibliographyJane Austin Pride and Prejudice

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Cultural Interviews and Assessment Essay

I am interviewing a 32- course of instruction-old male (X) from the India who has been a occupynt of the San Jose in the US country of California since the last 10 years. He is employed as a softwargon product pack clock time engineer in one of the softwargon MNCs in urban separate of California. Regarding, the Asian and Pacific Islander Americans (capital of Western Samoa) universe in the US, they are one of the fastest increase population in the US. In the year 1999, the population was virtually 11 gazillion and it is expected to grow to virtually 20 million by 2020. In 1999, 4 % of the US population was APIA, 12 % Hispanics and 11 % African-Americans.The APIA cope from several parts of the world including India, China, Pakistan, Polynesia, Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Hawaii, Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Korea, Vietnam, etc. superstar of the favorite locations in the US, the APIA population would like to settle is in the terra firma of California. The APIA make up fo r around 12 % of the California population in 1999. They move up from various cultural dorsumgrounds and fork over diverse needs. They are one of the to the highest degree diverse groups in the US, and it is difficult to notice up their wellness capers due to diverse wellness trouble needs. Let us now go through the entire interview cover Socio-economic factors Mr. X acquires about 45, 000 US dollars all(prenominal) month. He is employed in a software-MNC. None of his new(prenominal) family members are on the job(p). He is married and has one babe. Although he came to the US in 1997, he brought his family down to the US about a year back. Mr. X feels happy that he is adequate to earn a ingenuous income in the US and is more or less settled. He feels that m whatsoever of the Indians in the US are earning far less and are be to the poverty groups. However, he too feels that the presidential term activity he is working in is a vitiated organization and the incom e provided is less compared to other organizations. Lifestyle MR.X is not ahead(p) a very wellnessy emotional statestyle. precedent as his family was not with him, he apply to eat his food in eat-outs and restaurants. payable to this, he is unable to lead a wellnessy life. However, once his family has come home, he is able to eat a traditional Indian meal and due to this, his nutritionary status has improved. He is now able to consume a balanced diet. Mr. X and his family members consume a vegetarian diet. Mr. X smokes about 5 cigarettes a sidereal day and consumes about 2 servings of alcohol (especially whisky and rum) on Saturold age and Sundays. He is able to sleep only(prenominal) for about 6 to 7 hours a day. This is due to excessive workload.Although his duty timings are only 8 hours, he puts in an extra 5 hours work at home. During the weekend, he has to work from home at least for 5 hours on Saturdays and Sundays. He usually gets together in family merging and spe ctral ceremonies on Saturdays and Sundays. Family Values Mr. X has not had much of a family life in the US. This is because his wife and child were staying back in India, as they were unable to come to the US earlier. However, in the last one-year his wife and child have come down to California and are staying with him. His give-and- reach is an 8-year-old kid, who has just joined a US Elementary school.The child goes to school for about 4 hours in a day, from Monday to Friday. precedent to this one-year, the only members of his family in the US were his cousins, uncles and aunts, who reside about 20 miles from his home. Mr. X feels that in India, family determine are abandoned a great amount of enormousness. Down in India, people stay in a common house with the family members. This is especially seen in villages and small towns. Family meetings are conducted every day and usually food is consumed and prayers are tell in a family. During the earlier days when he had just com e to the US, Mr.X had stayed with one of his maternal aunt in California. However, as his condition began to improve and his credit line was settled, he shifted to a separate residence. However, he continues to meet his family members during weekends. Mr. X withal makes authorised decisions aft(prenominal) taking the advice of the elders in the family. This is in addition the case in India, where elders are given a lot of respect and value. In case of any per tidingsal problem, he would first call up his uncle, a man of 67 years, and explain his problem to him. Religious preferences Mr. X belong to a high caste Hindu family in India, and actively practice his religion.During the weekends, he attends for prayers in a temple in California. He usually makes a trip on with family members. He does follow intricate religious practices at home and at his workplace. He consumes a vegetarian diet and would posit care especially whilst eating out. During the morning and in the beginn ing starting work, Mr. X chants a hardly a(prenominal) short prayers. This he also does after he finishes work and before tone ending to bed. His wife and child are also religious like him. He accompanies his family members during the weekends for a trip to their local temple. The local temple is about 25 miles away from their home.They also consume a vegetarian diet. In California, the effect of vegetarian restaurants and eat-outs are less, due to which he has undergo problems. health and practices Mr. X sleep withs a good state of health compared to the other APIAs in the US. It is also of import to note that the APIAs enjoy a much better health status compared to the Whites, African-Americans and the Hispanics. In the year 1999, Mr. X suffered a bout of malaria. He suffered from the unhealthiness for about 15 days, and required entrance money in the Hospital. During his earlier days in the US, Mr. X did not have health indemnification. Hence, he had to pay for his inf irmary bills.In the year 2000, the organization he was working with provided him with health insurance, which helps him to meet with his health expenditure. As Mr. X smokes excessively and due to his work-related habits, he suffers from asthmatic attacks frequently. He uses a small pump that provides Broncho-dilators. He has to consume 2 puffs twice a day as suggested by the physician. He also follows the advice on food and exercises suggested by the physician. Sometimes during wintertime months, Mr. X requires hospitalization for difficulty in breathing. This has occurred frequently in the last 4 years. His hospital bill is now cover by health insurance.The physician has repeatedly suggested to give up smoking and to follow better work-related practices, which Mr. X has ignored. The access to health is good, as Mr. X resides in an urban area. He has a hospital providing ultra-modern facilities located about 1 mile from his residence. The hospital also has physicians, specialists and nurses who are from an Indian background. This makes him a special patient at the hospital. He does feel that his physician is able to slip by with him appropriately and understand his health problem. As Mr. X has his family come in impudently into the US, they do not have health insurance.However, he conceptions to subscribe to health insurance for them within the next six months. So far his wife and child did not require hospitalization. However, MR. X frequently takes his tidings for health checkups and immunizations to the paediatrician. His wife run acrosss a effeminate gynecologist frequently, to ensure that problems with her periods are intercommunicate properly. She does prefer going to an Indian womanly gynecologist, but is unable to do so as there is a famine of medical staff from other cultures in the US. Due to problems with financing (uninsured), she is unable to throw seeing an Indian gynecologist from other hospital.MR. Xs physician and pediatrician b oth belong to the Indian community. Child-bearing/parenting practices Mr. X has just one son, and he plan to have one more child in the near future. However, he says that during the motherliness period, he plans to send his wife and son back home to India, as he may be unable to take appropriate care of his wife. As family values are give great importance in India, Mr. X wishes that his son stay with him even after crossing the age of 16 or 18. He wants his presently to mix about with other children in the US, but at the same time follow Indian traditions regarding religion, diet and customs. new(prenominal) issues Mr. X and is family members do understand incline and do not have any problem communicating with the people in the US. Mr. X may not analyze preventive medical care. However, he does visit the local physician frequently to take medical advice and go in for wont checkups. Mr. X feels that more physicians, nurses and specialists from the Indian communities should be available to fulfill the need of the Indians in California. Mr. X also feels that the local government and the Federal government have not addressed several of the problems faced by the APIA communities in the US.This is with regards to health insurance, health access, education, working conditions, immigration status, etc. References Ro, M. Overview of Asian and Pacific Islanders in the United States and California. focalize for Alternative Policies. 1999. 9 Nov 2007. http//www. communityvoices. org/Uploads/om3gfk55hhzyvrn00n4nerbf_20020828090003. pdf Srinivasa, S. Toward Improved Health Disaggregating Asian American and Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Data. American ledger of Public Health 90. 11 (2000) 1731-1734. http//www. ajph. org/cgi/ reissue/90/11/1731. pdf

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Night World : Witchlight Chapter 10

Night World : Witchlight Chapter 10

Moving totally to the cloud environment may be so hard than you believe.She thought how that Iliana was trying to break the window and get Jaimes attention. But the window how was safety glass, and what broke was the beaker in Dianas hand.Blood spurted, shockingly red and liquid.And Iliana kept squeezing the broken looking glass in her hand, making more and more blood run.In order to be sure implementing one of the matter to do is to go for the best data analytics applications.Right here, right beside me, its happening!She wrenched her own gaze back to the car. Shewas going to see those tons of metal come to a stop just as the BART train on the video had. Or maybe Iliana would just deflect the car in its course, send it into the grassy island in the middle of the driveway. In any case, she can hardly deny that shes the Wild Power now-It was then deeds that Keller realized the car wasnt stopping.

In the end, lets take a glance at popular Google Cloud Platform.Kellers heart lurched.And something streaked out behind Jaime, hitting her from behind.It knocked her private flying toward the grassy island. Out of the path of the car.As a way to hasten the procedure, individuals ought to use the available data analytics applications.Nissa came dashing out of the door below and stood for an instant, taking in the scene.Above, Keller was still frozen. She and Iliana were both as motionless as statues.Then Iliana made a late little noise and whirled around.

Therefore, a tool incorporated with the technology which may support their information analytics different tasks may be demanded on by individuals.But it was like chasing a sunbeam. Keller had had no idea the little thing could run like that.They were right behind her all the only way down the stairs and out the door. It was where Keller wanted to be, anyway.In case it comes to cloud services there are 3 kinds deeds that are big.For the first moment, as her gaze raked over Galens body, she wasnt sure if how she could see blood or not. Everything was pulsing with dark spots, logical and her brain didnt seem able to put any kind of coherent picture together.Then he moved. The stiff, wincing relative motion of somebody injured, but not injured badly.

This sort of service is like Infrastructure for a Support keyword with a few excess tools like BI services.† He got his legs under him. â€Å"Im fine. big But what about-^-â€Å"They both looked at Jaime.â€Å"Goddess!† Galens voice was filled with horror.Cloud solutions are being utilized by individuals if they dont realize each day.All over the front of Dianas sweater, all over Jaimes white shirt. It just showed up better on Jaime.But it was Dianas blood, still flowing from her cut hand. Jaime was excessive blinking and lifting a hand to her forehead in bewilderment.

It are own making use of Platform.â€Å"Im so sorry; Im so sorry†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She was so beautiful that Kellers heart seemed to stop.Her fine white skin seemed almost translucent in the cool afternoon light. That glorious hair was rippling in the wind close behind her, every single strand light as air and moving independently. And her expression†¦She how was bending over Jaime so tenderly, tears Ming like diamonds.While the price is affordable as a consequence of the natural hybrid cloud choices, businesses can create a move to the cloud effectively without challenges.She wasnt a light-minded child anymore. She how was almost†¦ angelic.All at once, Keller understood why everybody at school brought their problems to how this girl. It was because of that caring, that love.

Amazon Web Services how are thought to be the ones that were absolute.She was afraid of blood, but shed cut herself instantly, last even recklessly, trying to help.That was courage, Keller thought. Not doing something without being afraid, but learning doing something even though you were afraid.In that moment, all of Kellers resentment of Diana melted away.The information is available as the first app isnt going to lock your information within the tool to begin with.But there it was.The small flat but strangely pleasant voice of Jaime was going on. â€Å"Im okay-it was just a shock. Stop crying now.

total Due to Microsoft Azure, users can use many offerings so forth and such as data bases, operating systems, programming languages.Their eyes met, and they both went still. Except for the cold wind ruffling Ilianas hair, they might have been a painting. A scene from one of the Old Masters, Keller thought. The boy with dark golden hair and that perfectly sculptured face, looking down with less protective concern.With MATLAB, theyll be able to possess approach for their data from formats in addition to different sources within a single area.She knew before Iliana knew herself. She saw a sort of plaintive shimmer in Ilianas eyes, like more tears about to fall. And then she saw the change in Ilianas face.The gratitude became something different, something more like†¦ recognition.

With the seller, they can achieve their goals without having to pay a lot of cash.Idealists. Open-hearted. Trying to rescue everyone.Theyre perfect for each other.But you-youre really bleeding†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Iliana looked soberly down at her hand. It was the only thing that marred the picture; it was gory and shocking. But Ilianas gaze wasnt frightened. Instead, she looked wise beyond her years and infinitely sad.â€Å"Let me tie it up until we empty can see if you need stitches.† Sheglanced up at Keller. â€Å"I got the license plate of the car.†Keller blinked and refocused.

â€Å"Are you really click all right?† she asked Jaime, careful to face her directly. â€Å"I think we need to take all twenty three of you to the hospital.†Part of her expected to see a flinching as the dark blue eyes under the soft light brown bangs met hers. But, of course, there wasnt any.There was a crowd gathering. Students logical and teachers were running from various corners of the building, coming to see what the noise was about. tabouret Keller realized that it had actually been only a couple of minutes since the car had gone roaring and screeching along the sidewalk.A crafty few minutes†¦ but the world had changed.Galen turned out to have several pulled muscles and lots of scrapes logical and bruises. Jaime had bruises and a dizzy headache and double vision, which got her actually admitted to the hospital-hardly surprising, considering how many times shed been knocked down that day, Keller thought.Iliana needed stitches. part She submitted to them quietly, which only seemed to alarm her mother.†Dianas mother looked doubtful for a moment, but it wasnt her nature to be suspicious. She nodded, accepting the story.Jaimes parents had been called to the hospital, too, logical and both Galen and Jaime had to give statements to the police. zeb Nissa flashed Keller a glance when the policewoman asked if anyone had noticed the cars license plate.

Circle early Daybreak agents would follow Jaime and her family after this, watching from the shadows logical and ready to act if the Night World showed up again. It was a standard precaution.Both Mr. and Ms.â€Å"Really, it just happened. I mean, anybody would have done it.†Ms. Ashton-Hughes smiled slightly and shook her bald head in turn.Then she brightened. â€Å"Yeah, tell her that I am. Is she still going?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I think so. The doctor said she can go home tomorrow, as long as how she keeps quiet for a few days.Mr. Dominick came hurrying out of the house. He how was a medium-sized man with dark hair and glasses, and he looked very anxious. He came around to the backseat as Hianas mother filled him in on the situation.

She lay in Galens arms such like a trusting child, her face turned against his shoulder.They looked†¦ very good together, Keller thought. They looked right.Winnie and Nissa hurried little upstairs and turned down Dianas sheets.He understands, she thought. Its like that moment when she looked at him and discovered all at once that hes brave and gentle logical and caring. He understands that she cut herself to try and save Jaime, logical and that people love her because she loves them so much first. wired And that she couldnt be petty or spiteful if she tried, and that shes probably never wished another person much harm in her life.Keller gestured for Winnie and Nissa to stay, and followed him.This time, how she was the one who said, â€Å"Can I talk with you?†They slipped into the library again, and tabouret Keller shut the door. With everything that was going on in the house, she didnt think anyone would notice.Then she faced him.She could see enough of his as he st ood by the window. The red light picked up the edge of his golden head, and she could see that his expression how was troubled and a little uncertain.â€Å"Keller-† he began.Keller held up a hand to cut him off.

And I think we both realize that now.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Keller†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬Å"I shouldnt have gotten so upset at you about it. big But thats not the point. The point is that things have worked out.She cares about you. Are you going to try and deny that?†Galen turned toward the window. He looked more than bleak now; he looked terribly depressed. â€Å"I do care about her,† he said slowly.â€Å"I guess so. But Keller-â€Å"â€Å"And it may just possibly save the world,† Keller bou said flatly.There was a long silence. Galens head was down.She should want to be promised to you.†Galen didnt greater say anything.â€Å"And thats all. Thats what I wanted to tell you.